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Warranty Claim

To file a warranty claim please fill out the information below and your request will be sent to our warranty department. We will contact you about your claim as soon as possible. If it is life threatening please call 911.

Warranty Department hours are hours are Monday – Friday 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Any warranty requests that are submitted on weekends or holidays will be addressed the following business day.

For EMERGENCIES ONLY please immediately contact the below subcontractors directly and also make a warranty claim.

Electrical emergencies call
Jed Robertson with Robertson Electric (801-857-1771)

Heating, Air Conditioning call
Jared Lindstrom with Professional Heating & A/C (801-785-3007)

Plumbing emergencies call:
Steve Brinkman with Ridgeline Plumbing (801-860-9188)

If the emergency is life threatening please call 911 immediately!

First Name

Last Name

Email Address

Phone Number

Date of Purchase

Unit Address

Building Number

Unit Number


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